Membership of the Governing Body 2024/2025
Headteacher: Mr David Kennedy
Chair of the Governing Body: Mr Neil Heyes
Vice-Chair of the Governing Body: Mr Mark Abbott
Governors Name | Category of Governor | Appointed by | Date of appointment | End Date |
Mrs J Roberts | Co-opted Governor | Governing Body | 09/03/2023 | *08/03/2027 |
Miss Clare Geeson | Staff Governor | Staff | 28/03/2017 | *27/03/2025 |
Mrs Heather Croft | Co-opted Governor | Governing Body | 01/09/2015 | *31/08/2027 |
Mrs Thess Jutla | Foundation Governor | Diocesan Board of Education | 19/01/2019 | *13/01/2027 |
Mr R Macleod | Parent Governor | Parents | 08/10/2018 | *23/03/2027 |
Mrs Debbie Clark | Co-opted Governor | Governing Body | 20/03/2018 | *19/03/2026 |
Mrs G Johnson | Parent Governor | Parents | 24/03/2023 | *23/03/2027 |
Mr O Osikoya | Parent Governor | Parents | 24/03/2023 | *23/03/2027 |
Ms K Norman | Parent Governor | Parents | 08/03/2022 | *07/03/2026 |
Mrs Y Henry | Parent Governor | Parents | 24/03/2023 | *23/03/2027 |
Rev'd S O'Donoghue | Ex-Officio | 16/03/2018 | *15/03/2026 | |
Mr David Kennedy | Headteacher | Governing Body | 05/10/2015 |
* end of 4 year term of office. |
Committee Members 2024/2025
Resources and Finance | Standards and Effectiveness | Headteacher Appraisal | Pay Committee |
Mr R Macleod (Chair) | Mrs Deb Clark (Chair) | Mr Neil Heyes | Mr Rob Macleod |
Mrs Kerrie Norman | Mrs Heather Croft | Mrs J Roberts | Mrs Kerrie Norman |
Mr N Heyes | Miss Clare Geeson | Mr M Abbott | Mrs Jenny Roberts |
Mrs Jenny Roberts | Mrs Thess Jutla | ||
Mr Mark Abbott | Rev'd S O'Donoghue | ||
Register of Interest 2023/2024
Governors Name | Declared Interest |
Non Declared |
Governors Name | Relationship with Staff Declared Interest |
Non Declared |
Governors Name Declared Business Interest
Non Declared
Governors Name Declared Financial Interest
Non Declared
Former Governors 2015/2016, 2016/2017, 2017/2018, 2018/2019, 2019/2020, 2020/2021, 2021/2022 & 2022/2023
Governors Name | Category | Date/ Appointed | Term of Office | Date Stood Down |
Mrs Hannah Povey | Parent Governor | 02/10/2011 | 4 Years | 01/10/2015 |
Mr Andrew Lake | Community Governor | 03/07/2012 | 4 Years | 02/07/2016 |
Mr Nick Greer | Parent Governor | 12/03/2014 | 2 Years | 09/09/2016 |
Dr J Craig | Parent Governor | 28/09/2015 | 1 Year | 28/11/2016 |
Mr N Frackelton | Parent Governor | 28/09/2015 | 3 Years | 21/03/2018 |
Rev. R Moughtin | Ex-Officio | 08/11/2017 | 1 Year | 08/05/2018 |
Mrs Sarah Ferreira | Parent Governor | 16/11/2015 | 3 Years | 31/08/2018 |
Mr David Price | Foundation Governor | 02/10/2015 | 3 Years | 31/08/2018 |
Dr David Dennison | Foundation Governor | 03/11/2015 | 4 Years | 11/06/2019 |
Miss Rachel Ironside | Parent Governor | 20/03/2017 | 4 Years | 19/03/2021 |
Mr Stuart Jackson | Chair | 30/08/2017 | 4 Years | 31/08/2021 |
Ms A Wormleighton | Parent Governor | 08/10/2018 | 3 Years | 11/02/2022 |
Mr A Graham Co Opted 08/03/ 2019 4 Years 07/03/2023
Clerk to the Governing Body
Fiona Clague
Governing Body Adviser
Governor Services South Team
Lancashire County Council
Tel. 01257 517087