
Summer Term (Second Half) 2023 - 2024

Our whole school attendance for this half term is 96.81% with 107 children achieving 100%. Well done to everyone!

Summer Term (First Half) 2023 -2024

Well done to the 119 pupils who achieved 100% attendance for this half term. Our whole school attendance for the first half of the summer term is 97.25%

Spring Term (Second Half) 2023 - 2024

Our whole school attendance for this half term is 98.3% with 138 children achieving 100% attendance. Well done to all those children!


Spring Term (First Half) 2023 - 2024

Our attendance figures for this half term is 95.47%. Well done to the 119 children achieving 100% attendance. 


Autumn Term (Second Half) 2023 - 2024

Our whole school attendance for this half term is 95.28% with 70 children achieving 100% attendance. Well done everyone!


Autumn Term (First Half) 2023 - 2024

Our attendance figures for this half term is 97.84% with 122 children who have achieved 100% attendance. Well done everyone!


Summer Term (Second Half) 2022 - 2023

Our attendance figures for this half term is 97.03%. Well done to the 120 children who have achieved 100% attendance.


Summer Term (First Half) 2022 - 2023

Our whole school attendance for this half term is 96.91% with 108 children achieving 100% attendance. Well done everyone!


Spring Term (Second Half) 2022 - 2023

Our attendance figures for this half term is 97.07%. Well done to the 112 children who have achieved 100% attendance.


Spring Term (First Half) 2022 - 2023

Our whole school attendance figures for this half term stands at 96.63 % with 126 pupils who achieved 100% attendance.
Well done to everyone!

Autumn Term (Second Half) 2022 - 2023

Our attendance figures for this half term is 95.21%. Well done to the 73 children who have achieved 100% attendance.


Autumn Term (First Half) 2022 - 2023

Our attendance figures for this half term is 97.31%. Well done to the 106 children who have achieved 100% attendance.


Summer Term (Second Half) 2021 - 2022

Our attendance figures for this half term is 94.82%, with 90 children achieving 100% attendance. 


Summer Term (First Half) 2021 - 2022

Our attendance figures for this half term is 96.5%. Well done to the 124 children who achieved 100% attendance.


Spring Term (Second Half) 2021 - 2022

Our attendance figures for this half term is 93.55% with 82 children achieving 100% attendance. 


Spring Term (First Half) 2021 - 2022

Our attendance figures for this half term is 95.14%. Well done to the 104 chidlren who have achieved 100% attendance. 


Autumn Term (Second Half) 2021 - 2022

It has been another challenging half term but despite this our attendance figure for this half term is 93.58% with 83 children achieving 100% attendance. 


Autumn Term (First Half) 2021 - 2022

Even in these challenging times of the pandemic our attendance figure for this half term is 95.41%. Well done to the 94 children who achieved 100% attendance.


Summer Term (Second Half) 2020 - 2021 

Our attendance figure for this half term is 97.01%. Well done to the 125 children who achieved 100% attendance.


Summer Term (First Half) 2020 - 2021 

Our attendance figure for this half term is 97.84%. Well done to the 133 children who achieved 100% attendance.


Spring Term (Second Half - 3 weeks) 2020 - 2021 

Our attendance figure for this half term is 98.46%. Well done to the 159 children who achieved 100% attendance.


Spring Term (First Half) 2020 - 2021

No attendance figures due to Covid19 and school closure.


Autumn Term (Second Half) 2020 - 2021

Our attendance figure for this half term is 97.99%. Well done to the 135 children who achieved 100% attendance for this term.


Autumn Term (First Half) 2020 - 2021

Our attendance figure so far this year is 97.78%. Well done to the 133 children who achieved 100% attendance for this term.


Spring Term (Second Half) and Summer Term 2019 - 2020

No attendance figures due to Covid19.


Spring Term (First Half) 2019- 2020

Well done to the 126 children who achieved 100% attendance for this term. The children concerned have received their certificates. Our attendance figure so far this year is 97.22%.

Attendance is a crucial part of all children's learning and we are delighted to have given so many awards this half term.