
Our curriculum is underpinned by the National Curriculum (2014), we enhance this with planned opportunities that make up the wider school curriculum. Learning is always exciting and in a meaningful context for children. Where commonality exists between subjects and aspects, learning is linked and lessons taught using a cross-curricular creative approach. Where this is not achievable, subjects are taught discretely. The rehearsal and application of basic skills learned in the core curriculum is a driver for the entire curriculum.

As soon as the children enter our Reception classes we begin the important process of developing learning skills and a positive attitude to learning. This focus continues throughout their learning journey at Aughton Christ Church and for the rest of their lives.

The children follow the Foundation Stage Curriculum. They learn through playing, observing, talking, listening and having fun. They experience a wide variety of exciting learning activities designed to help them develop their linguistic and numeric skills and knowledge and understanding of their world. The children learn to socialise, play and develop their motor and creative skills.
In Reception, learning is very much child initiated. Themes and topics are used to engage children in play based learning. Your child will learn skills, acquiring new knowledge and demonstrating their understanding through 7 areas of learning and development, these are:

Prime Areas
Communication and Language
Physical Development
Personal, Social and Emotional Development.

Specific Areas
Understanding the World
Expressive Arts and Design

When children enter the Reception Class an entry assessment is made using various sources of information – nursery settings, observations, parent contributions, children’s views of themselves. Assessment is key to planning for each child and is continual throughout the child’s journey throughout the EYFS. The early learning goals have 3 prime areas which are key to moving into the specific areas.  More information on these can be found by looking at the Development Matters in the EYFS Stage document. This document sets out what the expectations are for each age range from birth and to become secure in that age range the teachers must make a best fit decision.  All early years setting use this document to support learning.

Evidence is gained from mainly child initiated activities which may involve scaffolding from adults. This means that the learning that the children have gained from whole class teaching must be shown to be embedded through their play. Other evidence is gained from more formal situations where there may be group activities, from parent feedback and from what the child says about themselves.

In June, teachers are asked to complete and report their assessments as to whether children in the Reception Class have reached the Expected target of the Early Learning Goals.  Where children haven’t yet reached this level they will be deemed as Emerging.  Children who have completed the level and have begun to work at a higher level are deemed as Exceeding

The Government expects that most children will achieve ‘expected’ in most of the 17 Early Learning Goals.

Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2
Learning continues to be purposeful, exciting, interesting and fun. Teachers plan to maximise children’s learning following the 2014 National Curriculum. The National Curriculum involves a range of overall aims, skills and knowledge, based in the areas of the core (English Maths and Science) and foundation subjects (Art and Design, Computing, Design and Technology, Geography, History, Music, PE and Foreign Language).  

Link to National Curriculum 2014

The Statutory teaching of religious education is delivered through the Lancashire Agreed Syllabus

The curriculum maps for each class detail how the National Curriculum is delivered within each year group.

Links to Year group curriculum maps and key learning in English and Maths can be found on the left.

Assessment at Aughton Christ Church CE Primary School
At Aughton Christ Church we assess children’s learning against the Lancashire Key Learning Indicators of Performance (KLIPs) for each year group in Key Stage 1 and 2. At the end of each year children are judged to be entering, developing or secure in their particular year group.

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