Year 2 2024 - 2025

Miss Simmons

Mrs Seddon

Mrs Oldfield

P.E. days -  Thursday and Friday.

Please ensure  P.E. kits are in school.

Any letters or reply slips, which need to be returned, can be put in your child's book bag. The children are encouraged to check them each morning and give things in before the register.

The children should have their own water bottle to keep in class which they can access throughout the day and they will change their water regularly. Please make sure your child's name is written clearly on their bottle.


English and Maths homework will be given out each week on a Friday to be handed in on Tuesday. Children will have a spelling test each Tuesday. Sometimes topic based work may be given instead.

In addition to Maths homework, it is of great value to practise times tables every day.

Reading books and spelling books to be returned to school on Wednesdays and will be sent home on the same day.

Recorder is also to be in school book bags on Wednesday for their music lesson.

The children will also have lots of opportunities to read and enjoy books throughout the week at school and at home.

Please listen to your child read daily: your input will make a difference.

Thank you

Useful Websites
BBC KS1 Bitesize:  Covers concepts from reception to year 2.

Primary games: A great, interactive website full of mathematical games that really help you to practise those concepts you might get stuck on.

Counton: Lots of excellent mathematical games and puzzles.

Supermathsworld: Lots of maths questions to have a go at but in a fun and challenging context. Choose the right level of difficulty as this website goes beyond the year 6 curriculum.

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