Reception visit to Martin Mere

Reception have been true ornithologists today at Martin Mere! We were so impressed with their bird knowledge and identification of species and associated vocabulary.

We all had a fantastic time, starting from the coach journey where we were greeted by our coach driver - Benji's Grandad!

On arrival at Martin Mere the children took part in a minibeast hunt in Plum Wood. They found lots of different creatures and were excited to use the bug spotting sheet to name the minibeasts that they found.

After our exciting minibeast adventure, we walked around the wetland and visited many bird hides, where we learnt about new birds and their habitats.
The children also got to make their very own duck hat and at the end of the day they were delighted that the otters came out to play!

The children were so well behaved and watching how they have matured and how they have so much enthusiasm for learning made us feel so proud of them all.